
27 April 2008

Knobby Knee Monster

My Knobby Knee Monster series is coming to an end... I have a very deep connection with this monster because I also have knobby knees.
There was a lot of pink fur in this collection. Where ever I looked there was fur to be done.
Here are a few finished pieces.

15 April 2008

My Proccess - Traditional Illustration

This is a recent project I am still working on.

First of all I start off by making thumbnails of compositions. When I am happy I make the full scale drawing and finalize it by inking it in. This is so that I will always have something to go back to with out having it fade away. I've had bad experiences with smudged drawings...
I usually use tracing paper to transfer the drawing on to the good stock. There are other ways such as using a light box.

Next I lay down the mid colors. Then I go darkter and light for last.

I finish the illustration and scan it into the computer and adjust the colors if needed.
And voila, we've got an illustration.