
26 March 2010

Editorial: Pushy Piano Parent

This is a piece I had the opportunity to do for Sydney's Child, April Issue 2010. Would you be a pushy piano parent or not? i don't know. I definitely think that supporting your children's ambition is important and if encouraging is needed then encourage them.

This is the finished product. The First one is the centre piece and the second is the sub:

Centre image for 'Pushy Piano Parent'.

Sub image for 'Pushy Piano Parent'.

These are a couple of concepts for the main image. We eventually went for concept 1:

Main image concept 1.

Main image concept 2.

And these are the sub images. Here we went for concept 2:

Sub image concept 1.

Sub image concept 2.

1 comment:

robobop said...

Beautiful work! Love the colours and concept.